Al-Jazeerah: Cross-Cultural Understanding


News Photos, 1-15 September 2013




Al-Jazeerah History


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Gaza Holocaust  

Gulf War  




News Photos  

Opinion Editorials

US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)




45 Iraqis Killed, 63 Injured in Attacks, Including 33 in Strike on a Shi'i Mosque in Baghdad, September 11, 2013 6 Egyptian Soldiers Killed, 10 Injured in Sinai Suicide Bombing Attack, September 11, 2013

Illegal Israeli Settlers Storm Al-Aqsa Mosque, Led by Housing Minister, in Two Consecutive Days, September 11-12, 2013

Denmark: Top of the Ten Happiest Countries in the World in 2013: More photos

Obama Puts off Syria Strike Amid Fresh Diplomatic Push A Tale of Two Chiles, 40 Years After the Pinochet Coup

Altay Mowgli: A 20-Years-Old Feral Young Man Who Spent his Entire Life in Mud Hut in Siberian Forest


Israeli-Egyptian Siege of Gaza Strip Intensifies, Palestinians Appeal to EU for Fuel Supplies Protests Against Sports Spending Interrupt Brazilian Independence Day Parades, September 7, 2013

Israeli Occupation Soldiers Burn Down Palestinian Olive Trees, Clash with Youngmen in Jerusalem and Khalil, September 8, 2013

G20 Leaders Urged Obama to Abandon Plans for Air Strikes Against Syria, 10 Leaders Agree on a "Strong" But Not  Military Response 50 Nigerians Killed by Army for Being Boko Haram Members

18 Somalis Killed in Twin Attack Blasts on Mogadishu Restaurant Dozens of Palestinians Muslim Worshippers Wounded During Violent Israeli Attack at Al-Aqsa Mosque

Clashes at Al-Aqsa Mosque After Attempt to Defile it by Illegal Jewish Settlers, Shaikh Raed Salah Released on Bail US Senate Agrees Draft Resolution on Syria Strike

China Buys Into Giant Kazakh Oilfield for $5 Billion
Dozens of Palestinians Muslim Worshippers Wounded During Violent Israeli Attack at Al-Aqsa Mosque
Israel First: John Kerry Urges EU to Postpone Funding Ban on Illegal Israeli Settlements
UN Calls on Egypt to Opening Rafah Crossing for Besieged Palestinians in Gaza
Afghan Taliban Fighters Attack US Army Base on Pakistan Border, September 2, 2013

More Than Two Million Have Fled Syrian Conflict, UN Says Egyptian Government Closes More TV Stations, Puts Morsi on Trial, Denies Badie's Heart Attack

Afghan Taliban Fighters Attack US Army Base on Pakistan Border, September 2, 2013 Afghan Taliban Fighters Attack US Army Base on Pakistan Border, September 2, 2013

Egypt's New Rulers Tightened the Israeli Siege of Gaza Strip by Destroying Tunnels and Closing Rafah Crossing Egypt's New Rulers Tightened the Israeli Siege of Gaza Strip by Destroying Tunnels and Closing Rafah Crossing




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