Cross-Cultural Understanding

News, June , 2007



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Editorial Note: The following news reports may be  summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology.

Palestinian Resistance Fighters Attack Israeli Occupation Checkpoints of Ennab and Huwwara in the West Bank, One Fighter Killed

Palestinian man killed at checkpoint in northern West Bank after opening fire at Israeli troops 

Date: 12 / 07 / 2007 Time: 21:22

Tulkarem - Ma'an – 

A Palestinian man was shot by Israeli occupation soldiers at a roadblock east of Tulkarem on Thursday afternoon.

Eyewitnesses reported that the man, who has not been identified, shot at the soldiers with an automatic rifle. The Israeli occupation soldiers stationed at the post retaliated, killing him instantly.

After the incident, the Israeli occupation forces closed the road in both directions and started shooting randomly in order to disperse citizens gathered there, waiting to pass. Eyewitnesses also said that the soldiers prohibited ambulances from approaching the scene.

Security sources told Ma'an's reporter that the Israeli occupation forces transported the man in an Israeli military ambulance to an unknown destination. The barrier remains closed.

Ma'an's correspondent reported security sources saying that the man was wearing an explosive belt on his waist, but was unable to use it, being shot at very quickly after arriving on the scene.

Israeli explosive experts later arrived to the scene and carried out a controlled explosion on the suspect belt.

Fighter killed in an attack against an Israeli occupation military roadblock near Tulkarem 

Friday July 13, 2007 01:06 by IMEMC Staff saed at imemc dot org

The Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, reported on Thursday evening that one of its fighters was killed in an attack against an Israeli occupation military roadblock east of Tulkarem, in the northern part of the West Bank.

The Brigades stated that one of its fighters approached the Ennab military roadblock and fired at the soldiers who are stationed there.

The fighter exchanged fire with the soldiers and hurled some grenades before they managed to shoot him dead. The fighter was identified as Mohammad Omar Ziad, 24, from Kafer Ra’ey village, near the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

The Brigades stated that this attack is part of a series of attacks in retaliation to the Israeli assassinations against its leaders especially after the army assassinated Ziad Malaisha and Mahmoud Nazzal.

Israeli military sources reported no injuries among the soldiers and said that the gunman drove a car up to the checkpoint and stopped it approximately twenty meters from the soldiers, Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.

Haaretz added that the fighter exited his car carrying a Kalashnikov rifle and opened fire at the soldiers who managed to shoot him dead.

Palestinian gunmen open fire at Huwwara checkpoint 

Date: 13 / 07 / 2007 Time: 12:56

Nablus - Ma'an - 

Palestinian gunmen opened fire at Huwwara military checkpoint, near Nablus in the north of the occupied West Bank, on Friday. As a result, the Israeli occupation forces stationed there closed the checkpoint.

Israeli media sources reported that the armed men fired from the direction of Kafr Qallil, and subsequently, the Israeli occupation forces raided the village carrying out an extensive search operation.

Palestinian resistance fighters attack IOFs in the West Bank

[ 13/07/2007 - 12:28 PM ]


Fighters affiliated with the Qassam Brigades, armed wing of Hamas, and Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, armed wing of the PFLP, on Friday morning, carried out a joint attack against IOF troops at the Huwwara roadblock south of Nablus.

In a joint statement, the two groups said that their fighters attacked a military Hummer using machine guns and hand grenades.

The statement said that the Hummer was attacked when it was passing near the Huwwara roadblock and that the clash lasted for 15 minutes during which the Hummer was put out of action.

The fighters who carried out the attack say that they were certain that they have caused casualties amongst the IOF troops, while the Israelis only admitted to a damaged vehicle.

In the statement the two groups vowed to continue with the resistance until "the last soldier leaves our land."

There was a similar attack on Thursday at the nearby roadblock of Annab where a lone fighter affiliated with the Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, opened fire at IOF troops manning the road block and engaged them in a firefight which ended in him being killed.


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