
News, June , 2007


June 2007 News Links

Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names.

19 Iraqis Killed, According to a June 7, 2007

Iraq News Agency (INA):

The Iraq News Agency (INA) reported that Iraqis and a US soldier were killed on June , 2007.

- A suicide car bomb exploded at Rabi'a police station, killing 5 policemen and injuring 15 other policemen. Four more civilians were killed and seven were also injured.

- In Sadr city, east of Baghdad, two car bombs exploded killing 5 and injuring more than 15 people.

- US forces arrested 16 Iraqis in Sadr city.

- Three Iraqi policemen were killed and four were injured at a Ramadi checkpoint, when a suicide bomber attacked them.

- Two people were killed and twelve were injured in west Baghdad in a mortar attack.

- Dr. Sabah Al-Janabi, a senior official in the Ministry of Education, was assassinated in Al-A'adhamiyah.

- Journalist Sahar Al-Haidari, a correspondent of Aswat Al-Iraq news agency was assassinated in Mosul.

- Seven university students riding a bus were kidnapped today between Al-Khalis and Ba'aqoubah. They belonged to the village of Dojemeh.

- A patrol of British soldiers was attacked in Basrah, injuring a number of them.






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