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Opinion Editorials, July 2008


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Editorial Note: The following news reports are summaries from original sources. They may also include corrections of Arabic names and political terminology. Comments are in parentheses.


While Nablus is raided, Gordon Brown, another false prophet praises Israel

By Khalid Amayreh

PIC, [ 22/07/2008 - 12:03 AM ]


As British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was having an audience with Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem, the Israeli occupation army was raping anew the Palestinian town of Nablus, rounding up and humiliating innocent people, violating homes and vandalizing businesses.

On Sunday and early Monday, the so-called Israeli Defense Forces raided the northern city, for the fourth time in less than three weeks, as thousands of CIA-trained Palestinian security personnel were watching from their comfortable headquarters nearby.

The invading forces arrested dozens of innocent people, including a lawmaker named Muna Mansur, the wife of an Islamic political leader who was murdered by a Jewish death squad while sitting in his office in downtown Nablus several years ago.

The detainees, who are likely to be dumped in an Israeli concentration camp for lengthy periods of time, have committed no felony or even misdemeanor. Their only “guilt” seems to be their conscientious opposition to the Nazi-like Israeli occupation of their country.

Two weeks ago, the same Jewish forces, acting like the German Gestapo, ransacked the main commercial center of Nablus, raiding commercial malls, beauty salons, a major medical center and numerous other institutions, crushing furniture, smashing equipments and vandalizing public and private property.

These acts of rape passed quietly as the governments of Europe and North America, thoroughly absorbed in their pornographic hypocrisy toward the Palestinian plight, kept silent. After all, the victims are Palestinian, they are Arabs, they are Muslims.

These are the same governments that have been demanding rather shamelessly the prompt and unconditional release of an Israeli combat soldier who was taken prisoner by Palestinian fighters near the Gaza Strip more than two years ago, while utterly ignoring the fate of more than 10,000 Palestinian detainees languishing in Israeli dungeons and detention camps.

This pattern of moral whoredom on the part of European and North American leaders is echoed ad nauseam every time a European or American or Canadian official sets foot on the soil of occupied Palestine, a holy land made unholy by the overwhelming obscenity of Israel’s oppression of a people whose only guilt is its enduring determination to survive and be free.

There, these officials and statesmen utter a few empty words about the “glory of Israeli democracy” before returning home, hoping to have succeeded in impressing the international Zionist cartel which effectively controls the policies, politics and governments of most western countries.

Gordon is no exception. He is just another carbon copy of the typical hypocritical, double-faced, and morally bankrupt western leader who tries to blur his dishonest discourse with diplomatic niceties and nice-sounding statements.

In fact, not only did Gordon keep his mouth shut regarding Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, apparently fearing upsetting his arrogant Zionist hosts, but he also reiterated the same mantra western leaders like to utter whenever they visit Europe’s ugly brat in the Middle East.

Brown, whose country gave birth to ugly Zionist entity,  vowed that Britain would “back Israel’s right to exist,” a euphemism for backing Israel’s settlement expansion and territorial aggrandizement at the expense of the Palestinian people.

Indeed, this is how Israel understands such statements from western leaders because if a given western country doesn’t fully support Israel’s genocidal campaign against the Palestinians, then the government of that country must be advocating the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jewish people!!

In short, from the Israeli perspective, Europe and America have two choices vis-à-vis Israel, either they support the liquidation of Palestine and its native people, the Palestinians, or get themselves ready for vociferous Jewish accusations of being Nazis, anti-Semites and “Hamas lovers”!!!

I don’t know why western leaders, such as Gordon, keep talking about Israel’s right to exist while rarely alluding to the Palestinian people’s right to exist. Do they think that Palestinians are unimportant? Do they consider the rights of the “Chosenites” to be superior to  and  override the rights and lives of the non-Chosenites?

Besides, one might really wonder how a country that possesses more than 300 nuclear warheads and is also in tight control of the American government and Congress has its “right to exist” threatened by a people who spend half of their time stranded at Israeli roadblocks and checkpoints and the other half struggling to make ends meet?

What is the problem with these European and American leaders who keep parroting these illogical formulas about Israel and its miraculous achievements? Are they drunk? Are they ignorant? Are they irremediably dishonest?

In addition to his shooting from the hip about Israel, Brown had the audacity to claim that Palestinian economic prosperity was the key to foster and consolidate peace. He went as far as saying that he planned to implement an “economic roadmap” in occupied Palestine in an effort to develop and stabilize the region.

But, undoubtedly, these are manifestly stupid remarks since no economic prosperity can be achieved in a jungle of roadblocks and checkpoints and hundreds of other physical barriers that reduce the West Bank to an archipelago of miserable Bantustans and townships, cut off from each other and virtually isolated from the rest of the world.

Shouldn’t Brown have consulted with  his predecessor, Tony Blair, and asked him about the feasibility of effecting economic prosperity in the West Bank under a Nazi-like military occupation regime that is hell-bent on making the Palestinians’ daily life an unbearable hell so that they would eventually leave their homeland.

Blair, who had harbored wild hopes about reviving the Palestinian economy, mainly in order to induce Palestinians to be flexible on such paramount issues as the “right of return” and “Jerusalem” has lately come to  recognize the impossibility of any serious economic revival in the West Bank due to the ubiquitous presence of the Israeli occupation.

Nonetheless, the often criminal western collusion with Israel against the Palestinians and against justice wouldn’t have had a conspicuously sinister impact had it not been for the presence of a perfidious “Palestinian” authority that is very much at America’s, and therefore Israel’s beck and call.

Well, what is the point of having a “Palestinian Authority” in whose presence and under whose rubric the Israeli occupation army rapes our population centers every day and every hour and every minute?

What is the point of having flamboyant PA leaders having photo ops and “friendly and constructive and positive” meetings with western leaders when all these encounters can’t even save a Palestinian home from the claws of one Israeli bulldozer?

Surely, no one is demanding that the PA militarily confronts brutal Israeli barbarianism.

However, playing the role of a Palestinian Judenrat vis-à-vis Israel represents the ultimate act of national treason. That is the message that Palestinians everywhere ought to communicate to the American-backed junta in Ramallah.

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