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The Human's Ever troubling question:

Who Created The Universe?

By Ali Al-Hail

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, January 25, 2011

   A German audience member, anxiously, said to me in Dubai, "why should there be a God, and if there's a God, who created this hypothetical God?" She continued, "there were bacteria, before anything, was existing, from which we had originated."

   Since, I understood her noticeably genuine concerns, and her eager interest to grasp an idea and concept of God, I elaborated, in an attempt to calm her down somehow confusing mind " do you consider yourself as what? An agnostic, or an atheist?" She answered apprehensively, but in a semi hesitant mood "an atheist."

    I began to address her obvious thirst to come to terms with the conceptualization of God, "well…I must admit, you sound like you have a strong point of view (albeit, legitimate inquest).  However, since you are assuming why should there be a God, I would if I may suggest, if you possibly assume too, there should be a God?

   For this reason, such a dual assumption, would lead one to a better path to maneuver, in order to come up with a reasonable theory (if you like), while restricting yourself to a single, sole assumption, could deprive one's mind to explore more possibilities, more assumptions, and more questions, which are potentially, crucial. For; It seems quite healthy to do the aforementioned, in order for one to seek the truth."

   Whether were there  bacteria or whether not, is hypothetical, as, bacteria were discovered during modern time. However, even if one assumes, as do many, there were bacteria, a critical question arises then, who created bacteria? Why cannot be assumed at least, that, bacteria must've been created by a creator i.e., God. How could humans, and for that matter, all creatures, and the whole universe, were given birth to by bacteria?, as my German audience member was insinuating.

   She was no different from many people in the observably, materialistic West. There have been, and yet, will be far many precedences.  For instance, Professor Stephen Hawking, a British leading Physicist, has once written, there is no reference of a role or place for God in theories of physics that, are pertaining to the creation of the Universe.

   If we, for example, take the Big Bang as a theory of physics (something professor Hawking believes it is), isn't there a place or a role for God in instigating the Big Bang? Who created it, who managed it, who ordered it to big bang? Was it a \ the coincidence? What is that? Isn't a coincidence a thing? Which was created, managed and followed up by a creator? How could the Big Bang, and the whole universe occur by itself, as Professor Stephen Hawking claims. Does such a claim make sense, or else, appeal to a scientifically, healthy mind? Doesn’t it ridicule readers' minds? 

   Though, he had previously argued believing in a creator was not incompatible with science, later on, he asserted that, the Big Bang was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics. Didn't he ask himself, who created the law of physics in the Universe, or, did the law of physics emerge out of the blue, by itself on its own?

   It's not a dilemma, whether a chicken is out of an egg, or an egg is out of a chicken, as many argue in the West. Obviously, God created the chicken first, as part of creating everything.

   God's images are, no anywhere, a resemblance of \ to our images, or those of other creatures. We are physical. God is spirit.  God created  spirit beings who have had no parents, such as the angels.

   God was not born and has no parents. He will exist eternally into the future. He has existed eternally in the past.

   Our minds are finite and we cannot conceptualize the idea of eternity into the past due to this limitation in our minds. Nevertheless we can acknowledge the fact.

   Similarly, we, as humans, by no means can know the "mind of God", as Professor Hawking stated. It's almost impossible. It's beyond our minds' capabilities.

   Instead, we can think about God's creation in the Universe, explore, discover, and learn. We, as humans have to gain power as we grow up because we are physical. However, it is the nature of God (who is spirit) to be all powerful, almighty. His power is also infinite (having no end). Our existence is bounded by the speed of light. But God is light.

   Generally, physical beings are superior when they are more complex. The Spirit world is the opposite. That which is superior has more simplicity.  There was no need for God to be created. God is self-existent; He is the Greatest. God has the attributes of power, creativity, and balance.

   In the Holy Qur'an, as well as in the Old Testament, God referred to  his nature as "I am God", and "there is none else." " I am God, and there is none like me" declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, "My counsel shall stand."

   Science, is a powerful force of God, through which we become closer to God, because Science introduces us to God. For example, Isaac Newton's (the gravity explorer) belief that the universe must have been designed by God.

   Having said that, Professor Hawking maintains that, "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." It can and it will, but, with God's consent. Gravity, is a law of physics that is created by God. It's thus a powerful force of God.

   For Professor Hawking to allege that, there is no need to invoke God to set the Universe going, is seen as an arrogance. What so-called coincidences, in Professor Hawking's theory, has in actual fact, no place, and no role.  The Universe has a creator, and we should praise God, the creator for that.

To be continued…    




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