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Opinion Editorials, August 2015

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AIPAC Operatives, Chuck Schumer and Eliot Engels, Strive to Recruit More Democrats in Opposition to the Iran Nuclear Deal

By Mark Dankof

Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, August 10, 2015

Talking Points:

Schumer in the Senate and Eliot Engels in the House as Israel's point men in recruiting 13 Democratic Senators and 44 Democratic House members in opposing the President by the September 17th deadline for a vote in Congress on the deal. 

Israel's $150 million campaign against the deal. 

Netanyahu's less than veiled threat against President Obama last October ("ceremonies on grassy knolls), an obvious reference to the Kennedy Assassination in Dallas. 

The Ben Gurion-Meyer Lansky-Dimona-Mossad link to the Kennedy Assassination, with reference to Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment and the corroboration of Israeli nuclear dissident Mordecai Vanunu.


An Open Letter of Support to President Barack Obama on the Iran Nuclear Deal

Mark Dankof to President Obama: I’m With You This Time, Pal, on the P5+1 Deal with Iran

When Someone’s Right This Time, I’ll Say So: Mark Dankof Supports President Obama on the P5+1 Deal With Iran.

The Honorable Barack Obama

President of the United States

The White House Washington, D. C.

Friday, August 7th, 2015

Mr. President:

I am not one of your supporters on virtually anything, but I’m with you on this P5+1 deal with Iran. I convey my humble support and appreciation to you on this one, this time.

I see the Neoconservatives are working to get 13 Democratic defectors in the Senate and 44 House Democratic defectors by the September 17th deadline for a vote. I hope you win out here. I have so indicated by blogging my support on Facebook. Since I’m a part of the American populist Right and an alternative media presence, this may mean something in giving many of your ideological adversaries something to weigh and consider on the merits of the case at hand.

Those of us who are Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, and David Stockman Republicans are publicly with you against the War Party in the GOP and for a reasonable peace. Best of luck this time around.

Suggestion: You would be well served by publicly insisting that Israel’s mammoth nuclear arsenal and chemical/biological weapons cache receive the same international inspection regimen being insisted upon by Mr. Netanyahu and his supporters for Iran. The United States also needs to pull the plug on supporting Israel financially until it joins in signing the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as Iran has, and stops its illegal settlements on the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and its genocidal policies in Gaza. I also suggest that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) be forced to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

One notes that President Kennedy was the last President to attempt bringing Israel and its domestic lobby to heel on Dimona, inspections, and registration of the American Zionist Council as the agent of a foreign power, the forerunner of AIPAC.

You can insure your legacy by stepping up to home plate on these issues half a century later. I do hope you will understand that Americans across the political spectrum who actually read and think for themselves will back you in this critical effort to avoid an unjustifiable and totally unnecessary war with Iran that promises a wider metastasis.

Mark Dankof on Press TV/Iran on the Dangers of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as the Agent of a Foreign Power.

At the same time, I must honestly tell you that I believe you are barking up the wrong tree on Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Yemen, and support for NATO’s encirclement policy of Mr. Putin and its provocative deployment of military assets ever closer to his country’s borders. What would we be doing if the Russians were deploying their considerable military prowess on our Canadian and Mexican borders?

Nuclear Israel’s plan for Non-Nuclear Iran?

The same people who oppose your P5+1 deal with the Iranians are the same crowd supporting your ill advised moves in these places, moves that are the wrong moves for the wrong reasons with disastrous implications for the future. Please reexamine the road you have embarked upon in all of this, and reconsider the sources of the advice you have gotten from advisors who are of the same ilk that began these endless wars of preemption and counterinsurgency with the Bush I and II regimes.

Mark Dankof to President Obama on Vladimir Putin of Russia: Does This Look Like a Man Who Will Fail to Defend His Country’s Sovereignty and Borders?

From the Loyal and Usually Vigorous Opposition–

Pastor Mark Dankof San Antonio, Texas


AIPAC striving to hijack the US government: Ex-US Senate candidate

AIPAC’s pressure on Congress to derail the deal is the latest attempt by Israel and the Israeli lobby to hijack the government of the United States, says Dankof.

An intense lobbying effort by pro-Israel advocacy groups to pressure Congress in rejecting the Iran nuclear agreement is the latest attempt by Israel to hijack the United States, a former US Senate candidate says.

“The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and related pro-Israel organizations will spend approximately $150 million promoting a series of lies on this P5+1 deal with Iran,” said Mark Dankof, who is also a broadcaster and pastor in San Antonio, Texas.

“This deal is in the interest of the American people, it is in the interest of the Iranian people, it’s in the interest of the world,” Dankof told Press TV on Saturday.

AIPAC’s pressure on Congress to derail the agreement “is the latest attempt by the Israeli government and the Israeli lobby to hijack the government of the United States and to steal from the American people an agreement that we should support,” he added.

AIPAC, one of the staunchest opponents of the nuclear agreement with Iran, is spending about $40 million to run TV advertisements in 35 states urging legislators to vote down the accord.

Dankof said US President Barack Obama is correct to push back against pro-Israel lobbying efforts to scuttle the nuclear accord. “He has pinpointed the nature of the problem in the American political scene and in the Capitol Hill.”

In an open letter on Friday, Dankof urged President Obama to insist that "Israel’s mammoth nuclear arsenal and chemical/biological weapons cache receive the same international inspection regimen being insisted upon by [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu and his supporters for Iran.”

"The United States also needs to pull the plug on supporting Israel financially until it joins in signing the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as Iran has, and stops its illegal settlements on the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and its genocidal policies in Gaza," the letter reads.

On Tuesday, Obama accused the Israel lobby of spending millions of dollars to spread false claims about the Iran nuclear agreement, and vowed to fight back, according to a report.

At a meeting in the White House, Obama told leaders of AIPAC he would counter their efforts to sink the nuclear agreement with Iran, The New York Times reported Friday, citing people present at the gathering.

“Mr. Obama told the AIPAC leaders that he intended to hit back hard,” the report said.

Obama has launched an aggressive campaign of private entreaties and public advocacy to rally enough Democratic support to preserve the nuclear agreement ahead of a September vote on it in the Republican-led Congress.

Most Republicans oppose the nuclear agreement, but they need a two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress to override a presidential veto, and to reach that threshold, Republicans need Democratic support.




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