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Opinion Editorials Links, September  2008

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US Foreign Policy (Dr. El-Najjar's Articles)




September 29, 2008

Corporate-Government On Display and the Taxpayers Will Pay By Kevin Zeese

Fear-mongering in 2008 US presidential election By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Israeli Occupation of Palestine The Root Cause of the Middle East Crisis By Mark Glenn

Obama, America's Second Chance or its Last By Maher Osseiran

Remembering Sabra & Shatilla Massacre By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

Sarah Palin Bush Deja Vu All Over Again By John Chuckman

Two great crashes, one surviving America By Ben Tanosborn

The Trap Behind the Curtain By Jim Kirwan

US Presidential Election Campaigns, Iran, and Israel By Mohammed Khaku

UK asked to rule out renting embassy space from billionaire Leviev, Adalah

The Unexpected War Canada in Kandahar By Janice Gross Stein and Eugene Lang, a Book Review By Jim Miles

Readers' Letters, September 29, 2008

September 26, 2008

Obsession: NeoCon Zionist Incitement and Justification for Killing Millions of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine By Hassan El-Najjar

Zionist circles linked to Islam-bashing DVDs targeting voters in key US states, IPS

Bail out of Wall Street: Economic Terrorism By Ben Tanosborn

Tell McCain to Oppose Derivatives Bailout or Drop White House Bid By Webster G. Tarpley

Full text of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the UN General Assembly

Ecuador's Constitution Gives Rights to Nature By Cyril Mychalejko

Open Letter to President Mahmoud Abbas Concerning the Inalienable Palestinian Right of Return

Failures of International Law and The Security Council's Tyranny By Ivan Simic

New Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman

September 22, 2008

American Muslims seven years after 911 By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

David Horowitz Campaign of of Smearing Muslims Continues Through Ads in Swing-States Newspapers By Diane Sweet

Hard Talk Gazans Under Siege Seek Conflict Resolution By Sameh A Habeeb

Imam Warith Deen Mohammed 1933- 2008, ISNA & CAIR Statements

Mahmoud Abbas A Man of Peace Swimming Against the Current By Nicola Nasser

Obama Needs the Peace Vote Can he get it Does he deserve it Can he win without it By Kevin Zeese

Rep John Lewis for Withdraws from HR Resolution 362 Sponsorship, Congratulations By Ann Mauney

Sarah Palin and John McCain's Unfurling Program of Death in Service of the Israel Lobby By Mark Dankof

September 11th From Chile to Washington Bush Follows in Pinochet's Footsteps By Cyril Mychalejko

The Joke of Palestinian democracy under Fatah, Israel By Khalid Amayreh

What to Do with Joe Biden's Support for Israel and Espousal of Zionism By Farouk  Mawlawi

Why Should My Family Still Love Me By USS Liberty Survivor Phillip F. Tourney

September 15, 2008

Islamophobia at the GOP Convention By Abdus Sattar Ghazali

Joe Biden: The Neoconservative Democrat By Abbas Ali

Nina Shea's Newsweek Comments Anti-Muslim Propaganda to Justify Attacks on Muslims Everywhere By Timothy Stinson

The Empire Strikes Back: Sarah Palin's Speech By John Chuckman

The Republican Masquerade Is Over,  So Is the Dems Time to Remove The Masks By Kevin Zeese

Opinion Editorials/2008/September/15 o/A Zionist Smear The ADL Attacks Baltimore Islamic Peace Conference By Mark Weber

Eleven Points to End the Killing in Afghanistan with Benefits for All Parties By Carlo Cristofori

Finally, Sami Al-Arian Gets his Freedom Back! Unbelievable Persecution, CAIR

The Wandering Who By Gilad Atzmon

US Attack on Iran: Before or After November Elections? By Mohammed Khaku

The Zardari Presidency A Skeptic's View By Abdullah M. Adnan

Kashmir  resolution  can usher  a perpetual  peace  and stability  in the region By Abdul Kareem Dar

Justice to Victims of Military Offensives in Mindanao, Respect Muslim�s Observance of Fasting By Bai Ali Indayla

September 10, 2008

Truth About Bob Woodward's Secret Weapon and US Presidential Elections By Hassan El-Najjar

September 3, 2008

America A Zionist Colony By Frank Scott

And None Dare Call It Treason Who is Randy Scheunemann By Patrick J. Buchanan

Dicing with death for Gaza Day 28 By Yvonne Ridley

Israeli PR fails the decent, honest and truthful test By Stuart Littlewood

Olympic Follies and Triumphs By Ramzy Baroud

Racing the Enemy Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan,  By Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, A Book Review By Jim Miles

Sailing into Gaza By Huwaida Arraf

Sermon on the Mount Two Millennia Later By Ben Tanosborn

The Food Crisis And Rising Prices Is It A War On The Poor By Ali Al-Hail





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