"Terrorism" & "Islamo-Fascism" Propaganda Campaigns



Victims Goals Islam & Fascism Muslim Americans Palestinians Conclusion References Photo Gallery



The following verses from the Holy Qura'an express the above meanings about Islamic internationalism and celebrating human diversity:

Chapter 2, Verse 256; Chapter 3, Verse 19; Chapter 5, Verse 3; Chapter 9, Verse 33; Chapter 10, Verse 6; Chapter 49, Verse 13; Chapter 22, Verse 45; Chapter 10, Verse 13; Chapter 30, Verse 2. 

Statistics about US deaths from tobacco and alcoholic beverage industries:

Olson, David H and John Defrain. 2000. "Marriage and the Family." New York: McGraw Hill (Page 32).

Encyclopedia Encarta, regarding fascism:


Persecution of Muslim Americans Since September 11, 2007:

http://www.cair.com/Portals/0/pdf/2007-Civil-Rights-Report.pdf: The Status of Muslim Civil Rights in the US, 2007: Presumption of Guilt, a CAIR Report 


http://www.cair.com/Issues/Citizenship Delays.aspx 

CAIR's daily updates: http://www.cair.com


Sources for the Palestine Section:

Edward Said's Books (from Library of Congress):

Peace and its discontents : essays on Palestine in the Middle East peace process / by Edward W. Said ; with a preface by Christopher Hitchens.

Out of place : a memoir / Edward W. Said.

From Oslo to Iraq and the road map / Edward W. Said ; foreword by Tony Judt ; afterword by Wadie E. Said.

End of the peace process : Oslo and after / Edward W. Said.

Culture and imperialism / Edward W. Said.

Profile of the Palestinian people / Edward W. Said ... [et al.].

Blaming the victims : spurious scholarship and the Palestinian question / edited by Edward W. Said and Christopher Hitchens.

Covering Islam : how the media and the experts determine how we see the rest of the world / Edward W. Said.

Walid Al-Khalidi's Books

Islam, the West and Jerusalem / Walid Khalidi.

All that remains : the Palestinian villages occupied and depopulated by Israel in 1948 / editor, Walid Khalidi ; research and text, Sharif S. Elmusa, Muhammad Ali Khalidi.

Before their diaspora : a photographic history of the Palestinians, 1876-1948 / with an introduction and commentary by Walid Khalidi.

Rashid Al-Khalidi's Books

Iron cage : the story of the Palestinian struggle for statehood / Rashid Khalidi.

Palestinian right of return : two views / Rashid I. Khalidi, Itamar Rabinovich.

Resurrecting Empire : western footprints and America's perilous path in the Middle East / Rashid Khalidi.

Samih Farsoun's Books

Palestine and the Palestinians / Samih K. Farsoun, Naseer Aruri.

Palestine and the Palestinians / Samih K. Farsoun with Christina E. Zacharia.

Culture and customs of the Palestinians / Samih K. Farsoun.

Three main sources about the Israel Lobby in the US:

President Jimmy Carter's Book

Mearsheimer and Walt's Book

Paul Findley's Book


"Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid," By Jimmy Carter.


Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy By John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt


Dutch TV film showing the Israelis' influence over America's Congress. http://video.google.com/videoplay?


Findley, Paul. A. Lincoln, "Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts about the US-Israeli Relationship." (1990), They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby. (1985). Video: Findley Dares to Speak Again:opposingdigits.com/vlog/?p=478
